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Cirkus Summarum
DR and Ramasjang
Columbines Karneval
Pantomime in Tivoli
Vampyren Prerrot
Pantomime in Tivoli
Theater at Tivoli and Ã…rhus
Slum prinsessen og de 7 small time h
Lego Mindstorm
Flash mob
Electric Boogie School
13 videoes at youtube. Master level
Højspændingsmanden og Robotdrengene
TV show for DR Ramasjang
Robert Realitet
2 Fisk
TV show for Ramasjang
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Masterclass in Næstved
Moving City
Art in public
Trash Couture
Fashion Show
A real Robot dancing the robotdance
EM HÃ¥ndbold
Intro show before the finals
Den Blå Planet
Art in public
Helt sikkert DR
TV show for DR
Big City Brains
Music koncept
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